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国际天文奥林匹克竞赛(International Astronomy Olympiad, IAO)由欧亚天文学会创立,是国际上最早的六项科学奥林匹克竞赛之一,至今已有27年的历史。IAO的参赛对象为14-18周岁的中学生,比赛环节由理论、观测和实测三部分组成,主要考察学生的天文知识储备及数据分析能力,旨在开发学生的想象力、创造力和独立思考能力。自第一届IAO于1996年秋季在俄罗斯外高加索特殊物理天文台(SAO-RAS)成功举办以来,IAO已逐渐成为世界各地的中学生天文爱好者展示才华和交流合作的重要平台。





The 10th IAO was held at Beijing Planetarium in the autumn of 2005





联系人: 李昕 lixin@bjp.org.cn

方媛媛 fangyuanyuan@bjp.org.cn

杨斌 yangbin@bjp.org.cn

Beijing Planetarium to host the International Astronomy Olympiad


The International Astronomy Olympiad (IAO) was founded by the Euro-Asian Astronomical Society. It is one of the earliest of the six international science Olympiads and has a history of 27 years to date. The IAO targets high school students aged 14 to 18. The competition consists of three segments: theoretical, observational, and practical rounds. It primarily assesses students' knowledge of astronomy as well as their data analysis skills, aiming to cultivate imagination, creativity, and independent thinking. Since its first event in the autumn of 1996 at the Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO-RAS) in the North Caucasus of Russia, the IAO has gradually become an important platform for high school astronomy enthusiasts worldwide to showcase their talents and engage in collaborative exchange.

In 2002, the Beijing Planetarium organized a national team to participate in the 7th International Astronomy Olympiad (IAO) for the first time, earning China its first-ever silver medal in the competition's history. In 2003, under the strong support of Dr. Zhu Jin, then director of the Beijing Planetarium and head of the Popularization Committee of the Astronomical Society of China, the Beijing Planetarium became the sole authorized representative organization for China in the IAO Coordination Committee. Since then, China has officially begun its history of participating in international astronomy competitions. To date, the Chinese team has garnered 19 gold, 34 silver, and 39 bronze medals in the IAO, showcasing the advancements in the level of astronomy education in China and proving the potential of the younger generation in astronomical scientific research and international exchange.

As the first large-scale planetarium in China, the Beijing Planetarium has always been committed to cultivating the field of youth astronomy education. It provides abundant educational resources for public astronomy education and has extensive experience and outstanding execution capabilities in organizing competitions and public science activities. The institution is dedicated to offering a platform for high school astronomy enthusiasts worldwide for mutual learning and exchange. It has founded and hosted the Chinese National Astronomy Olympiad for 22 years and has successfully organized the 10th IAO, which it was the first time the event was held outside of Europe.

The 27th International Astronomy Olympiad (IAO) will be held in Beijing, China, in 2023. The IAO is scheduled to run from November 6th to 14th, spanning 9 days. During this period, representative teams from countries such as Bangladesh, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Italy, Malaysia, Nepal, Pakistan, Romania, Russia, Sri Lanka, the United States, and Vietnam are expected to participate. In addition to the examinations, the organizing committee has planned a variety of activities, including Cultural Night, a welcome party, lectures by astronomy luminaries, sightseeing tours, and sports and cultural activities.

This late autumn of 2023, let us gather by the beautiful Yanqi Lake to collectively explore the unsolved mysteries of astronomy. This is not just an exchange of knowledge but also a grand celebration for high school astronomy enthusiasts. The astronomical feast awaits you.

Local organizing committee of 27th IAO

 Contact persons: Mr. Li Xin lixin@bjp.org.cn

Dr. Fang Yuanyuan fangyuanyuan@bjp.org.cn

Mr. Yang Bin yangbin@bjp.org.cn



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