



Speaking of Space



Public Outreach Science Seminar 2020

Beijing Planetarium

讲座题目:  十七世纪的航海(Navigation At Sea In The 17th Century)

主讲人:    澳大利亚麦考瑞大学(Macquarie Univ.)何锐思  (Richard de Grijs) 教授

讲座时间:  2020111日(星期六),下午3:00

讲座地点:  北京天文馆B505教室



十七世纪发生在欧洲的科学革命带来了知识和科学的飞跃,这些与当时主要航海国家的海上贸易需求相结合,使得解决长期困扰人类的“经度问题”变得越发迫切。历史记载通常把这一问题的解决归功于十八世纪英国人John Harrison的身上。而在这里,我们试着从另一个角度阐述这一问题。我们从十七世纪末伽利略发明的精准摆钟开始,这一发明实际上起始于荷兰科学家惠更斯在十七世纪中叶的工作。十七世纪荷兰开放、宽容、和透明的环境使得该国在科学革命之中和之前发挥了关键性的作用。当时知识分子间主要的交流手段是彼此间的通信往来,这些众多的通信是本次讲座的基础。这一段历史在科学史上是引人入胜的,并且并不为很多人所了解。通过对这一段历史的回访,使得我们有机会对那段历史中的科学家们有一个全新的认识。

The Scientific Revolution sweeping through 17th-century Europe led to unprecedented intellectual and scientific insights and high-profile technological developments. Combined with a significant worldwide increase in naval commerce, solving the intractable "longitude problem" became an ever more urgent requirement for the continent’s main sea-faring nations. Historical accounts of these efforts often focus almost exclusively on John Harrison’s role in 18th Century Britain. Here, we start instead from Galileo Galilei’s late-16th Century development of an accurate pendulum clock, which was first achieved in practice in the mid-17th Century by Christiaan Huygens in the Dutch Republic. The open, tolerant and transparent conditions in the 17th Century Dutch Republic allowed the nation to play a pivotal role in the international network of humanists and scholars before and during the "scientific revolution." The primary means of communication among the educated intellectuals consisted of a prolific exchange of letters, which form the basis of this talk. This is a fascinating period in the history of science that is not well covered elsewhere and which, in particular, allows us to explore the characters of the scientists involved.




  • 北京天文馆公众科学讲座至少在每个月的第三个周六举办一次。

  • 讲座免费。有剧场票或展厅票的参观者可乘新馆展厅东西两侧的电梯到达505教室;无剧场或展厅票的听众凭有效证件(身份证、学生证、工作证等)于当日下午2:00后在售票处领票。

  • 座位先到先得,坐满为止。

  • 本次讲座提供现场翻译。



【上一篇】:北京天文馆2020年公众科学讲座系列之六—— 火星的前世今生
