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Speaking of Space



Public Outreach Science Seminar 2019

Beijing Planetarium



讲座题目:  我们是宇宙间的唯一吗?(Are we alone in the Universe?

主讲人:   (英)爱丁堡大学天体生物学教授Charles CockellProfessor of AstrobiologySchool of Physics and AstronomyUniversity of Edinburgh

讲座时间:  20191228日(星期六),下午3:00

讲座地点:  北京天文馆B505教室



For over 2,000 years, humans have wondered whether we are alone in the Universe or whether there could be other life forms out in space. In the next few decades we may finally get an answer to this question. Even if we find we are alone, we will have profoundly advanced our understanding of our place in the Universe. This talk will explore the exciting advances and new insights we have gained about the possibilities of life beyond Earth.



在过去的两千多年里,人们一直好奇我们人类是不是宇宙间唯一的生命,外空间里是否存在其它形式的生命。在今后的几十年中,我们可能会最终得到这些问题的答案。即使我们最终发现我们是宇宙间的唯一,我们也将大大地推进我们对自己在宇宙间地位的认识。 本次讲座将带您共同审视我们在找寻地外生命的探索中那些激动人心的新发现。

Charles Cockell is Professor of Astrobiology at the University of Edinburgh and Director of the UK Centre for Astrobiology, which he established in 2011. His academic interests encompass life in extreme environments, the habitability of extraterrestrial environments and the exploration and settlement of space. He has previously worked at NASA and the British Antarctic Survey. His work has taken him to both poles and many other extreme environments. He has published over 300 scientific papers and numerous books, including The Equations of Life, which explores how life is channeled by physical laws. He is engaged in numerous public education programs, including Life Beyond, an initiative he started which involves prisoners in Scottish prisons in the design of stations for other planets.



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