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Speaking of Space


Public Outreach Science Seminar 2019

Beijing Planetarium

 讲座题目:  在宇宙中构筑恒星、行星和生命Building stars, planets and the ingredients for life in space

主讲人:    Ewine F. van Dishoeck教授,Leiden Observatory, Leiden University(荷兰莱登大学莱登天文台),and IAU President(国际天文学联合会主席)

讲座时间:  20191013日(星期天),下午3:00

讲座地点:  北京天文馆B505教室



       One of the most exciting developments in astronomy is the discovery of thousands of planets around stars other than our Sun. But how do these exo-planets form, and why are they so different from those in our own solar system?  Which ingredients are available to build them?  Thanks to powerful new telescopes, astronomers are starting to address these age-old questions scientifically.  Stars and planets are born in the cold and tenuous clouds between the stars in the Milky Way, and the new ALMA array now allows us to zoom in on planetary construction zones for the first time.  Water and a surprisingly rich variety of organic materials are found, including simple sugars.  Can these pre-biotic molecules end up in comets and ultimately new planets and thus form the basis for life elsewhere in the universe? What did the Rosetta mission find when it landed on comet 67P?

在除太阳之外的恒星周围发现数以千计的行星,是天文学最为激动人心的发现之一。 这些系外行星是如何形成的?它们为什么与太阳系的行星如此的不同?它们是由什么东西构筑而成的?借助新的强大望远镜,天文学家们开始从科学上探索这些古老问题的答案。 恒星和行星诞生于星际间冰冷的气体云之中,最近投入使用的ALMA无线电阵列望远镜使得我们能首次聚焦到这些行星形成区里,在这里我们发现了水和令人惊奇的许多有机物质,其中包含了简单的糖类物质。 这些前生物类分子会跑到彗星和行星里面去,然后构成宇宙中生命产生的基础吗?当Rosetta卫星降落在彗星67P时发现了什么?


Ewine’s homepage:  https://home.strw.leidenuniv.nl/~ewine/



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