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Speaking of Space


Public Outreach Science Seminar 2019

Beijing Planetarium

讲座题目:  可能存在生命的星球(Habitable Worlds

主讲人:    法国马塞大学马赛天体物理实验室,摩西斯教授(Prof. Olivier MousisLaboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille, Aix-Marseille Université

讲座时间:  2019511日(星期六),下午3:00

讲座地点:  北京天文馆B505教室



       近三十年来,天文学家们在太阳系之外发现了数以千计的行星,其中的一些与我们地球的性质十分类似,让我们跟随Mousis教授一起来探究那些可能存在生命的星球。 摩西斯(Mousis)教授是研究太阳系形成领域的天体物理学家,他对太阳系早期的形成过程有着深入的研究,曾发表过超过190篇的经过同行评议的相关学术文章。

Professor Mousis is an astrophysicist specializing in the field of solar system formation. He has acquired a wide experience in studying the physical chemistry of the primitive nebula and the formation of the first solids that took part in the formation of solar system bodies. He has published original works interpreting measurements conducted by spacecraft missions of Jupiter’s and Saturn’s atmospheres and analyzing the formation conditions of these planets in the nebula that have led to their observed properties. Professor Mousis also works on the formation and evolution of comets and has developed a particular interest in the study of the exchange of volatiles at the surface/atmosphere interfaces of planets and satellites. The originality of his research is that, from scenarios describing the formation conditions of solar system bodies, he devises observational tests that will be measurable by current or future exploration missions. Mousis is the PI of Saturn probe proposals submitted to the ESA M4 and M5 calls. He is author or co-author of >190 published/accepted refereed papers (first author of 48 papers). H-index = 44, 6735 citations (source google scholar).



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